

同时也是为了挑战我们最年轻的学生, 我们的中学课程允许他们去探索, 发现, 培养新的兴趣. 在上课时间, 我们的课程提倡完全专注于学术, 适当的社会发展, 并完全融入我们的博彩网址大全社区. 放学后, 中学生参加丰富课程,学习组织和学习技能,并开始做一天的家庭作业. 虽然这一天很长,但它是有组织的、充实的和富有成效的.



In 英语 6, students explore the theme of coming of age in literature. 通过使用语法练习, 写作提示, 以及课程文本, 学生对如何通过口头和书面表达他们的想法有了更深的理解. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, 通过阅读和写作培养批判性思维能力, 并学习研究性写作的适当机制.

在英语七年级,学生们学习欣赏文学的根源. 通过使用各种体裁, students develop a deeper understanding of the diverse forms fiction can take, 从图画小说到中世纪史诗. The course provides students with opportunities to improve their written communication skills, 通过阅读和写作培养批判性思维能力, 并学习研究性写作的适当机制.

英语 8 introduces students to non-fiction texts as they continue to study literature. 学生被介绍给主要作家和各种体裁,为高中英语课程做准备. 非小说类文本与其他学科相联系,并与学生正在阅读的小说作品有主题关系. 学生将继续在他们的写作中对文本做出反应,并以5段文章的形式回答特定的提示. 学生学习通过引用文本或研究中的证据来建立强有力的论点. 另外, students continue to work on grade-appropriate grammar and vocabulary skills in this course.


6:历史 地理位置
旨在向学生介绍地理的研究, this course helps students master important concepts in physical and human geography. Students will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they investigate the Earth’s physical and human diversity; analyze population and settlement patterns and evaluate the ways that human activities modify the physical environment. 在研究世界各地的人类时, 学生比较发展, 生活水平, 政府体制, 以及全球的经济因素. 除了, 学生们对全球文化和塑造他们周围世界的历史因素有了丰富的了解.

两年制课程的第一阶段, 学生将探索关键事件, 问题, 以及内战期间美国历史上的重要人物. The course begins with a study of the rich and diverse history of the Native peoples of the Americas, and the changes wrought by the explo比n and colonization by Europeans. Major units include the colonial period, the American Revolution, the role of the U.S. 宪法在民主共和国的诞生和成长, 西进运动的结果, 以及内战和重建时期的斗争. 所有单元都包括对经济学影响的考察, 政治, 以及美国发展的社会历史. 学生将继续发展批判性思维和解决问题的能力,通过主要和次要的来源阅读, 课堂讨论, 基于项目的学习和独立研究.

历史8:美国历史 (1865 – 2001)
两年课程的第二阶段, 学生将仔细研究经济专业, 美国战争带来的政治和社会变化.S.美国内战后的重建, 工业化, 城市化, 以及渐进式改革,并将考虑这些事件对现代美国全球影响力扩张的影响. 课程内容鼓励学生认真思考美国在21世纪面临的挑战和机遇. 学生将继续发展批判性思维和解决问题的能力,通过主要和次要的来源阅读, 课堂讨论, 基于项目的学习和独立研究.


当我们六年级的学生兴奋地到来,开始中学生活, 数学6 introduces them to middle school math in fun and exciting ways. 数学6的目的是提高小学的基本数学技能,让学生有时间适应和掌握这些技能. 学生探索诸如数感和运算之类的主题, 使用公式, 解决问题, 基本几何, 解释图表和数据.

All units of study for 数学7 coincide with the core content for assessment for middle grade mathematics. 本课程的主要学习单元是:整数, 表达式和操作, 因子和分数, 有理数, 方程与不等式, 比, 比例, 百分比, 功能, 线性方程, 和图形绘制. Students who excel in 数学7 may be exempted from 数学8 and have the option to enroll in Algebra I. 先决条件:数学6.

Students are enrolled in 数学8 to solidify the foundation needed to excel in Algebra I. 这个为期一年的课程侧重于数字系统, 表达式和方程, 功能, 几何原理, 二元统计. Students who excel in Pre-Algebra may be exempted from 数学8 and have the option to enroll in Algebra I. 前提条件:数学7级合格.


博彩网址大全学校体育课旨在确保我们的学生运动员有机会保持身心健康. 每个学生运动员将被要求每年进行一次体能测试,作为衡量他们能力和能力的起点, 更重要的是, to set goals as to where they want to be in the future in regard to their athletic ability. 博彩网址大全学校的体育课程也将旨在介绍和准备学生运动员在博彩网址大全学校提供的运动中学习和竞争,而不管他们之前有什么知识.


Sixth-grade science students begin their Knox careers as “mini-scientists.课堂时间包括教学, 实践活动和实验, and group projects that allow students to be introduced to the basics of chemistry and physics. Students also study and experiment with the fundamental laws of motion, allowing them to define the movement of universal forces such as gravity, 加速度, 和摩擦. 课程的顺利完成为六年级学生未来的科学课程做了准备.

这门生命科学的基础导论提高了七年级学生对自然世界的认识,并向他们介绍了科学探究的基本原则. 这门课程涵盖了各种各样的主题, starting with microscopic cells and building to the larger principles of the ecology and natural systems. 在整个课程中, 学生将利用科学探究和实验室实验的基本原理为以后的课程学习做准备.

全年, 八年级学生参加各种各样的活动,旨在向他们介绍影响从潮汐到万物的具有传奇色彩的过程, 到火山带的破坏性火山. 这门课程涵盖了广泛的主题, 包括塑造我们周围世界的地质过程, 以及宇宙的天文过程. 在顺利完成中学科学课程后, students are well-prepared to enter the 上学校 and succeed in the sciences.


本课程以项目为导向,以研究为基础,向中学生介绍阀杆领域的各种主题. In this hands-on course, students will learn to work cooperatively to overcome various challenges.  主题涵盖从航空和火箭到可重复使用的能源, 地质, 和天文学, 编程与计算机科学, 机器人, 3 d打印技术, 和更多的.  本课程为开放式学习课程, meaning while there are some designated topics for study throughout the year, students will be given the chance to determine additional topics which they want to learn.

视觉 & 表演艺术

This course introduces 中学 students to the crafts of Studio Art through one-term courses. The students are grouped by grade into small, intimate teams of explorers. They learn to take risks and challenge themselves to share their unique perspective through art. 学生将研究工作室艺术的主要概念. They begin with drawing then move on to explore painting and various other media of their choice. 同时学习和提高他们的技术技能, 学生学习线的概念, 空间关系, 创造性表达. Students will progress from the cornerstone of art (drawing) through to printmaking. 所有中学生都参加这个课程.

This course is designed to introduce 中学 students to the art of theatre, 特别是通过音乐剧表演. Students learn the fundamentals of vocal production, movement, acting, and performance technique. 在整个排练过程中, 学生们将在最后的表演中发现和发展他们的技能,并展示他们所学到的东西. 所有中学生都选修这门课程.


这门调查课程是为六年级和七年级的学生设计的,在学年的课程中探索三种语言:西班牙语, 中国人, 和法国. 他们对每种语言的接触, 虽然只有一个月的时间, introduces them to basic linguistic skills such as vocabulary building, 发音, 形成简单的句子和疑问句, 听力理解, 识别汉字. Students also develop insight into the cultures of the various countries linked to these languages. 这门课程让学生有机会发现他们想要继续学习的语言,从8年级的一级开始,并在博彩网址大全继续他们的教育.


This course focuses on building strong paragraph writing skills as a precursor to formal, 高水平论文写作. 学生学习如何创建一个强有力的主题句, locate and provide supporting details and write effective concluding statements. 整个学期, 学生们将他们精心创作的段落发展成短文, which will help prepare them for other interdisciplinary writing pieces. (1 term; required).

In 写7, students focus on the structure of a well-developed essay. Students learn how to create attention-grabbing introductions (“hooks”) with strong thesis statements. They also work on building transitions between paragraphs to improve the flow of their writing. 在学期结束前, 学生将能够写一份完整的, 五段文章,有一个令人信服的主题陈述, 适当的证据和支持细节. (1 term; required).

本课程向学生介绍完成所有当前和未来写作作业所需的MLA格式. Incorpo比n of direct quotations from the texts and a completion of a works-cited page are stressed. Students practice and master the art of creating strong introductions and conclusions, 编辑和修改他们的文章. (1 term; required).


The 中学 学习技巧 program explores different strategies to help students better manage time, 培养组织能力, 并学习使他们更强大的策略, 中学及以上的独立学生. Students will learn how to effectively take notes while reading and listening, by learning how to recognize key elements in textbooks and presentations. 学生还将学习重要的标准化考试策略,为他们参加sat等考试做好准备. 最后, 他们将学习如何在“现实世界”中通过写正式的信件/电子邮件进行交流,以及与朋友、老师和专业人士在口语词汇方面的差异.


中学咨询项目教授在课堂内外设定和实现目标的强大技能. 学生将与他们的顾问每月会面两次,以持续监控和调整他们的目标. 除了帮助学生设定和实现他们的目标, 当学生需要帮助与老师沟通或如果他们对学校有任何担忧时,他们的顾问是学生的倡导者. The advisor will communicate openly with parents to ensure the success of the student.


中学生的课后充实计划旨在提高学生的学术和艺术水平. Similar to the upper school students, the middle school students will have a math lab on Mondays & 周四下午3:00-3:45.m. They will reinforce the math skills taught in their math classes as well as do math projects. 在星期三 & 周五下午3:00-3:45.m., students will have the opportunity to express themselves creatively through various arts and crafts. 每周二下午3:00-3:45.m., students will practice their literary skills by composing a middle school newsletter. 每天下午3:45到4:45.m., students will work on homework, so when they get home they can unwind!

博彩网址大全中学生是我们社区文化的宝贵组成部分. 作为我们大学预科氛围中最年轻的学生, 我们的中学生在一个专注的中学团队的指导下茁壮成长,他们营造了一个支持和关爱的环境.


Knox 中学ers are lucky to take PE class on our waterfront campus.

Knox middle school students explore other cultures through hands-on learning exercises.